English| 中文
Used to generate svg sprite map.
PreloadingAll icons are generated when the project is running, and you only need to operate dom once.
High performanceBuilt-in cache, it will be regenerated only when the file is modified.
Installation (yarn or npm)
node version:>=12.0.0
vite version:>=2.0.0
- ``` shell
- yarn add vite-plugin-svg-icons -D
- # or
- npm i vite-plugin-svg-icons -D
- # or
- pnpm install vite-plugin-svg-icons -D
- ```
Configuration plugin in vite.config.ts
- ``` ts
- import { createSvgIconsPlugin } from 'vite-plugin-svg-icons'
- import path from 'path'
- export default () => {
- return {
- plugins: [
- createSvgIconsPlugin({
- // Specify the icon folder to be cached
- iconDirs: [path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'src/icons')],
- // Specify symbolId format
- symbolId: 'icon-[dir]-[name]',
- /**
- * custom insert position
- * @default: body-last
- */
- inject?: 'body-last' | 'body-first'
- /**
- * custom dom id
- * @default: __svg__icons__dom__
- */
- customDomId: '__svg__icons__dom__',
- }),
- ],
- }
- }
- ```
Introduce the registration script in src/main.ts
- ``` ts
- import 'virtual:svg-icons-register'
- ```
Here the svg sprite map has been generated
How to use in components
Vue way
- ``` vue
- <template>
- <svg aria-hidden="true">
- <use :href="symbolId" :fill="color" />
- </svg>
- </template>
- <script>
- import { defineComponent, computed } from 'vue'
- export default defineComponent({
- name: 'SvgIcon',
- props: {
- prefix: {
- type: String,
- default: 'icon',
- },
- name: {
- type: String,
- required: true,
- },
- color: {
- type: String,
- default: '#333',
- },
- },
- setup(props) {
- const symbolId = computed(() => `#${props.prefix}-${}`)
- return { symbolId }
- },
- })
- </script>
- ```
Icons Directory Structure
- ``` shell
- # src/icons
- - icon1.svg
- - icon2.svg
- - icon3.svg
- - dir/icon1.svg
- ```
- ``` vue
- <template>
- <div>
- <SvgIcon name="icon1"></SvgIcon>
- <SvgIcon name="icon2"></SvgIcon>
- <SvgIcon name="icon3"></SvgIcon>
- <SvgIcon name="dir-icon1"></SvgIcon>
- </div>
- </template>
- <script>
- import { defineComponent, computed } from 'vue'
- import SvgIcon from './components/SvgIcon.vue'
- export default defineComponent({
- name: 'App',
- components: { SvgIcon },
- })
- </script>
- ```
React way
- ``` js
- export default function SvgIcon({
- name,
- prefix = 'icon',
- color = '#333',
- ...props
- }) {
- const symbolId = `#${prefix}-${name}`
- return (
- <svg {...props} aria-hidden="true">
- <use href={symbolId} fill={color} />
- </svg>
- )
- }
- ```
Icons Directory Structure
- ``` shell
- # src/icons
- - icon1.svg
- - icon2.svg
- - icon3.svg
- - dir/icon1.svg
- ```
- ``` js
- import SvgIcon from './components/SvgIcon'
- export default function App() {
- return (
- <>
- <SvgIcon name="icon1"></SvgIcon>
- <SvgIcon name="icon1"></SvgIcon>
- <SvgIcon name="icon1"></SvgIcon>
- <SvgIcon name="dir-icon1"></SvgIcon>
- </>
- )
- }
- ```
Get all SymbolId
- ``` ts
- import ids from 'virtual:svg-icons-names'
- // => ['icon-icon1','icon-icon2','icon-icon3']
- ```
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
:--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
iconDirs | string[] | - | Need to generate the icon folder of the Sprite image |
symbolId | string | icon-[dir]-[name] | svg symbolId format, see the description below |
svgoOptions | boolean|SvgoOptions | true | svg compression configuration, can be an objectOptions |
inject | string | body-last | svgDom default insertion position, optional body-first |
customDomId | string | __svg__icons__dom__ | Customize the ID of the svgDom insert node |
svg file name
The svg of the plug-in will not generate hash to distinguish, but distinguish it by folder.
If the folder corresponding to iconDirs contains this other folder
Then the generated SymbolId is written in the comment
- ``` shell
- # src/icons
- - icon1.svg # icon-icon1
- - icon2.svg # icon-icon2
- - icon3.svg # icon-icon3
- - dir/icon1.svg # icon-dir-icon1
- - dir/dir2/icon1.svg # icon-dir-dir2-icon1
- ```
Typescript Support
If using Typescript, you can add in tsconfig.json
- ``` json
- // tsconfig.json
- {
- "compilerOptions": {
- "types": ["vite-plugin-svg-icons/client"]
- }
- }
- ```
Although the use of folders to distinguish between them can largely avoid the problem of duplicate names, there will also be svgs with multiple folders and the same file name in iconDirs.
This needs to be avoided by the developer himself
- ``` shell
- pnpm install
- cd ./packages/playground/basic
- pnpm run dev
- pnpm run build
- ```
Sample project
Vben Admin
MIT © Vben-2020